Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Bea dressed up as a wizard this evening for Halloween celebrations. He was invited to an event in a cellar — which was essentially a darkened cellar with kids doing scary stuff, apparently — but on getting there, there was no way he'd go down to see for himself what was happening. He joined up with some friends in the Hof for a tad of trick or treating after.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Lively dance

Quite a lively dance session this afternoon, and Bea joined in with Ili's group along with another big brother. The snow is still hanging around, and a mischievous boy landed a few snowballs on his mother's head today on the way up there.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Hanging out at home

We're still all enjoying our new apartment. As we're top floor, the city views are great and we get plenty of sun which made hanging out at home today (the teachers at Bea's school were having a training day, so no school) a pleasure. The snow is still hanging around, so the kids were out messing around this morning in the Hof.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Sun and snow

Who would have thought that last Sunday (21 October), we were sitting on the roof terrace like this with weather in the 20s . . .

. . . .  and then today we were playing on the terrace in a good covering of snow!

Monday, 22 October 2012

New home

Sorry for the complete lack of postings over the Autumn holidays (8 to 20 October). Chris and I managed to get a quick break in France, we moved house, and somehow in the middle of it all I lost my iPhone (hence, the lack of pictures to post). Will post some of the new flat soon. Here's mum and dad helping us out (BIG THANKS!!)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Autumn leaves

Cycled to Wednesday piano this afternoon on a bright autumnal day. Perfect weather for a walk in the woods, so we must head up in the hills soon. Crammed too much piano 'homework' into too little time since last week, which turns it into a bit of a struggle, it has to be little and often. But, no practice necessary now — according to Frau Sulliman—as it's the two week Herbst Ferien (Yippeee!!!) next week. But, yet again, she said he's doing very well.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Ice creams in October

Snippets of summer are still lingering on here. I've been selling some of our old children's clothes and delivered a small batch this afternoon in the city, so thought we deserved to treat ourselves and tucked into some mango ice cream while the sun shone. We headed to the regular Tuesday music and dance sessions after (although Ili was a tad tired). Here's Bea and Ili waiting for the tram to take us there from the city.