Saturday, 18 April 2015

Spring Hols 20 April–3 May -- France!

We had the first week of the Spring holidays in France at the house with the children. Mum and Dad stopped off for the weekend on their way further down south (they are away for a few months). For the second week of the hols, the children joined Mum and Dad on the south coast so they had a lovely week of camping together by the beach while Chris and I got on with the garden and preparing the house for the season.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Busy with the garden

We've been busy with the garden this week (before we leave for the Spring break to France — yippeeee), and it's been hot hot hot in the city!!!! Here our the garden girls (who were earlier in their knickers running fancy free . . . . ).

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Garden - up a plum tree

We've had our little garden for nearly a year now, so I'm hoping it will be more productive second time around. The fruit trees got an expert prune this weekend.

Thursday, 9 April 2015


Papa was super busy this week with the Tropical Ecology conference he'd organised here at ETH — (it was a great success, so well done Papa x), and I took the kiddies to see him give the opening talk to the evening "public lecture" being one of the few chances they had to see him all week!! Here's Bea and Ili outside. And the lovely poster was designed by me (every little bit . . . ).
A link here for Papa at work: Looks like it was empty, but everyone was at the back!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Tadpoles for our pond

Up to the woods with a couple of Bea's friends to find some tadpoles for our little garden pond. We found some!

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Easter Saturday - Lago Maggiore

Second trip out on the rowboat to the little Islands! Bea was very chuffed as he rowed most of the way there. Water today was like a pond — Easter Friday was bit choppy — so made the rowing perfect for Beathan!

Only Easter Eggs we had were seagulls!!

Friday, 3 April 2015

Easter Friday - Lago Maggiore

Breakfast outside! Fab.

Bea and Ili in front of the Hotel Cannero.

Hotel Cannero

The "old" harbour.
The far end of the little lido at Cannero.
Bea was brave — he did manage one bracing width!

The little Islands in the lake.
Mmm . . . which pizza!!!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Easter Weekend — Lago Maggiore

We headed south over the border to the Italian Lakes for a mini breakaway for Easter (Thursday to Sunday). Stayed at Cannero in the same hotel we visited when Beathan was one-and-a-wee-bit and we'd only just landed in Switzerland (I'll dig out a picture!).  Cannero is a lovely old town with harbours (one ancient and one more ritzy), winding backstreets and a little pebble beach and Lido. Nothing much more to do beyond take in the lovely surroundings, drink (guzzle?) Processo, and amble from pizza restaurant to pizza restaurant. We took a row boat out a couple of times to get out to the little islands in the middle of the lake — highlight for the kids. No motor boat this time. . . . we took it slow! Blessed with mainly good weather, although the hotel pool and lake was still much too cold for anything more than toes!

Kids couldn't wait to dip their toes
in the hotel pool when we arrived- but mighty cold!!