Sunday, 13 December 2015

Three more skating movies - Sunday morning.

Managed to take some movies of the kids skating this morning, so first, Bea on ice. . .  (link here).
And then our little Ili showing her stuff, first one of her link here, and another one link here, where you can see papa and Bea too! 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Still getting our skates on!

Ice skating is still the best "free" activity in the neighbourhood at the moment, so after school has finished we biked over to the ice rink again today.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Advent Singing

Advent singing started today where parents, grandparents, etc, are invited to come and listen to the children's Christmas songs before school starts. As usual, the children sing from further up the stairs so we can only hear their  voices. These are some of the kiddies handmade decorations hanging in the stairwell.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Sunday brunch and a stroll

Had friends over for Sunday brunch, and took a stroll into town to walk it off and watch the Santa Chlaus charity river swim (in 8 degree water, yowch)! Here's the view over the lake from our vista point up the Grossmunster with stunning views over the lake, and the Vespa club in Christmas attire. 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Getting Christmassy

Finally made and put up our advent wreath with tiny treats for each day. I want one!! And here's a little piccy of Bea going off last night on his school trip to the Observatory. The sky was foggy, so they didn't see a single twinkle in the night sky. But, he enjoyed the walk there through fields (must have been city limits) and said he saw lots of animal footprints. They were not back until 9.30 in the evening, and the kids walked home alone (I was window twitching)!

Ili on the chocolate hunt!

Kids school activities

No pics but just a update that Bea's class will be going to an observatory in town tonight to learn more about the night sky and stars for his school theme (solar system) — I'll try and get a piccie as them come home tonight in the dark (9 pm!). And Ili's class have headed out in the woods today to try and find Saint Nicolas in the forest (St. Nic's day this Sunday). Somehow, I think they'll find him! She still believes in Father Christmas. . .  Bea doesn't of course, and last year even noticed one wearing high heals under the red gown, so that totally blew their cover!! He he he, ho ho ho.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Skates and winter skies

Some lovely winter sunset skies at the moment which you can see well from the skating rink. Again, we were there early (after Ili's dance group), so first on the ice when it was nice and empty! It was very festive when we left, and Christmas songs blasting out! It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. . . .

Where is everyone?

Ili is getting good!

. . . just before she fell over!

Setting sun over Uetliberg.

The ice rink after dark.